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NATURAL REMEDIES FOR UTIs: Why boosting the immune system is vital.


Why boosting the immune system is vital.


 What it takes to be UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) FREE.

When researching natural remedies for UTIs I found that boosting the immune system is vital in achieving a solution to curing UTIs once and for all. 

And the best way to do this is by learning what it takes to be UTI FREE.
Find out why antibiotics are NOT the best way to deal with UTIs and how YOU can make remedies at home that work better without the nasty side effects of antibiotic use. 
In this article you will find the best foods to combat UTIs and how the simple sugar in many foods closely related to glucose, D-mannose is the most ethical way to fight UTIs.
Plus ways to boost the immune system and help prevent any more nasty UTIs.
Along with some helpful tables of recommended foods, delicious recipes and remedies to make at home.
Hey! Do you or a friend suffer from UTIs?  Want more? Well I have a PRESENT for you! Check this out! You can instantly download this article for FREE HERE. And easily share it with a friend. I think you’ll love it. xo –Debbie

A little background on why it happens to girls more than boys
Urinary tract infections also known as UTIs are very common second only to respiratory infections.
And about 80% are caused by the gram negative bacterium Escherichia coli or E.coli which is a useful organism in the large intestine.
In some cases the E.coli can migrate to the urinary tract and cause infection.
UTIs are most commonly found in females due to the urethra being short and straight and more susceptible to infection.
In males the urethra is considerably longer with bends that prevent bacteria reaching the bladder.

Urinary frequency with a burning sensation and pain before, during and after urination.
Irritation and persistent urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty
Urine can be cloudy and have an odour
Lower abdominal pain, cramping and pressure
More progressed cases include fever, chills, lower back pain. Blood in the urine, vomiting, diarrhoea.
In small children symptoms may not be clear, with or without the adult symptoms. A high or low grade fever, irritability, lack of appetite can all indicate a UTI.

Antagonists such as low personal hygiene, chronic constipation, oral contraceptive use, a diet high in acid forming foods eg: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes or a high sugar diet can all reduce the body’s natural defences against E.coli.
Many women react to the dyes and chemicals in toilet paper to avoid this switch to the natural non blenched brands.
Cleanse your genital area prior to and after sexual intercourse, or better yet use a bidet or a little probiotic yoghurt to cleanse the area.
Avoid feminine deodorant sprays, douches, and powders that can lead to irritation of the urethra and genitals.
Only use natural cotton sanitary napkins and tampons. 97% of women believe they are made of cotton, but the truth is LESS THAN one percent actually is.
Male sperm is alkaline and in susceptible women infection may occur. Urinating immediately after sexual intercourse also helps alleviate this problem.
UTIs can also be caused by contamination from the bowel. Wiping from front to back after defecation will help avoid any contamination from faecal matter.
In menopausal women thinning tissue due to decreased oestrogen production increases susceptibility.
Almost every publication you read will tell you to flush with plenty of fluids. This is more useful in chronic catarrhal conditions as a result of chronic longstanding UTIs.
Diagnosis is important as the cause of infection may be due to other more serious conditions.

 bee, bublebee and echinacea

Immune support is the most important part of UTI treatment.

 The body’s immune defences help prevent infection and are the best way to fight UTIs.
A strong immune system will kill any disease invading the body.
By increasing the body’s natural ability to fight infections most UTIs will no longer be an issue. White blood cells will do their job by immobilizing any stray E.coli.
White blood cells (WBCs), also called leukocytes, are an important part of the immune system. These cells help fight infections by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs that invade the body. White blood cells originate in the bone marrow, but circulate throughout the bloodstream.
Herbs such as Echinacea and Andrographis would be very useful in this situation for their ability to increase long term resistance and build the body’s ability to produce white blood cells.
In most cases antibiotics are the preferred medical treatment.

Dr Jonathan V. Wright, MD. 

“Antibiotic treatment is an inferior treatment choice in 90% of cases of bladder and kidney infections.  The treatment of choice is D-mannose”.   
Antibiotics do a wonderful job of killing bacteria, all of them, good or bad, often replacing the UTI with a yeast infection.
All antibiotic treatment should be followed by a course of probiotics to replace all the good bacteria once more.

Many publications advise the use of probiotics when taking antibiotics.
Bacteria in the gut is recycled around every 20 minutes. So taking an antibiotic with food and then followup with a probiotic 20 minutes after eating is perfect.

Once I would have said: It is better to finish your course of antibiotics and then recolonize the body with good bacteria using probiotics.

But science has moved on since then and we now know bacteria live in the gut for short periods of time being constantly recycled - the old ones die off and new ones replaced in around 20 minutes. 

Relieving a UTI is more effective when using D-mannose because it does not allow the E.coli to adhere to the bladder and urinary tract wall and cause infection.
ticksD-mannose safer and more ethical than antibiotic treatment

D-mannose is a naturally occurring simple sugar closely related to glucose.
It occurs naturally in our body cells and can be found in many foods.
Cranberries, apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries and pineapple to name a few.
D-mannose is like a magnet to E.coli in the urinary tract and bladder.
When D-mannose is present it will not allow E.coli to adhere by attracting them away from the linings and flushing them out in urination.
The recommended dosage is ¼ to ½ teaspoon (approximately 1 to 2 ½ grams) of D-mannose powder stirred into water every three to four hours, for up to 48 hours.
Most infections are resolved in this time.
Here is where you can purchase D-mannose in New Zealand.
Hey! Do you or a friend suffer from UTIs?  Want more? Well I have a PRESENT for you! Check this out! You can instantly download this article for FREE HERE. And easily share it with a friend. I think you’ll love it. xo –Debbie

Foods high in Zinc, selenium, vitamin C, omega 3, folic acid, probiotics and garlic also                       help increase white blood cells.

1/ Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon).

May prevent E.coli from attaching to the walls of the bladder where they colonise and cause infection.
This is the D-mannose in cranberries doing their job as mentioned above.
Cranberry is also useful for people who have difficulty emptying their bladder and therefore have a tendency to infection.
High in manganese, vitamin C, fibre, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper, pantothenic acid and significant amounts of salicylic acid, which is an important ingredient in aspirin.
Drinking cranberry juice regularly increases the amount of salicylic acid in the body.
Salicylic acid is anti –inflammatory and can reduce swelling and pain.
Salicylic acid prevents the adherence of bacteria and yeast to cell walls in the urinary tract.
NOTE: Where ever possible I recommend fresh/dried cranberries or cranberry tablets to help avoid excessive sugar which is contained in many off-the-shelf supermarket products.

2/ Apple Cider Vinegar.

ACV has natural antibiotic action bursting with enzymes and minerals that prevent bacteria from growing. 2 tablespoons per glass x2 daily.
3/ Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps resistance to bacterial infection and protects connective tissue. Vitamin C also stimulates white blood cell production and strengthens blood vessel walls.
4/ Baking soda

For uncomplicated cases of UTIs you can safely use bicarbonate of soda. Begin immediately by adding ½ tspn. of baking soda to a glass of water 3 to 4 times daily. This will simply help alkalise an otherwise acid environment in the body.
ticksHERBS THAT HELP RESOLVE UTIs– relieve restore and repair!


5/ Crataeva (Crataeva nurvala)

Inhibits acute and chronic inflammation. Decreases bladder stone formation and calcium oxalate kidney stones. Improves bladder tone and therefore bladder emptying.
6/ Buchu (Agathosma betulina)

Strongly disinfects the urinary tract and acts as a mild diuretic. Traditionally used to treat chronic genitourinary tract conditions such as recurrent cystitis, abnormally acidic urine, increased desire to urinate with little relief after micturition and incontinence associated with a diseased prostate.
7/ Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

Reduces swelling and inflammation, haemostatic and generally increases the health of the surface of the urinary tract.
A ‘knitting herb’ for increased connective tissue resistance.
8/ Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)

Highly demulcent and soothing and beneficial to mucous membrane surfaces.
A supportive herb.
Some practitioners recommend taking this separately as a drink for maximum effect.
9/ Corn Silk (Zea mays) and Couch Grass (Agropyron repens)

Help alleviate any irritation of the urinary system and are soothing and toning.
Reduce acidity and are mildly diuretic.
10/ Other herbs

Bearberry, Golden Seal and Juniper.
However all are contraindicated in pregnancy.
ticksLIFE STYLE CHANGES – that will help avoid nasty UTIs.

Reduce dietary sugars, which means avoiding approximately 80% of foods in the supermarket.
Many processed foods are high in sugar.
A diet of fresh fruit and vegetables is essential when you have a UTI. (see table below).
Also avoid alcohol, coffee, fats and acid forming foods such as grains, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, commercial fruit juice and tomato puree.
Wear lose clothing and cotton underwear.
Use heat to sooth the pain. Wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and place on tummy for 15 minutes. The heat helps relieve pain.
ticksRemedies and recipes that help relieve – restore and repair

Yoghurt that contains probiotics help keep bad bacteria at bay and colonizes the body with good bacteria to help fight pathogens.
Making a probiotic smoothie with foods high in D-mannose eg: cranberries, apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries and pineapple for example would be a great food medicine.
Ginger can deal with any form of inflammation and reduce pain by prevention inflammatory responses in the body.
Known as the herbal aspirin ginger has been known to block hot spots and blockages in the body.
Asparagus helps to boost the immune system and reduces inflammation particularly of the urinary tract and kidneys.

NOTE: Phyto-therapy Research.  

In this study Asparagus-P decreased inflammation of the kidneys and improved their function.
 The authors indicate that Asparagus-P acts by reducing the activity of free radicals, which are involved in inflammation and cellular damage.
 Asparagus supplement is approved by German E Commission to treat kidney diseases, says 
 ticksThree simple remedies that you can mix and match to your desire. 

Simply make sure you add the recommended dose of Echinacea, vitamin C or D-mannose to every smoothie!
cranberry smoothie  

1/ Cranberry Echinacea and Ginger smoothie

 1 cup of probiotic yoghurt
1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
1 teaspoon of Echinacea purpurea liquid extract
2 tablespoons of fresh dried cranberries
Steep the cranberries in a cup of boiling water until soft and mushy.
Combine all the above ingredients in a blender and blend to a smooth consistency.
Drink 3 cups daily.

 blueberry smoothie


2/ Blueberry smoothie

1 cup of fresh blueberries
1 cup of probiotic yoghurt
1 teaspoon powdered Vitamin C
Blend in a blender
Drink 3 cups daily.

tropical smoothie


3/ Tropical smoothie

 1 cup probiotic yoghurt
1 fresh peach cut and stoned
1 cup of fresh pineapple diced
¼ teaspoon of D-mannose powder
Blend in a blender
Drink 3 cups daily.
Try any of these combinations or make your own using the recommended fruits along with Echinacea, Vitamin C or D-mannose.

In acute symptoms use no more than:

Adult dose:
30mls of Echinacea a day, ( should only require 1 - 3 days).
2 teaspoons of D-mannose a day
and 3000 milligrams of vitamin C a day / or dose until flushing occurs
half adult dose for children.

For chronic conditions:

Adult dose:
5mls of Echinacea per day is recommended as a maximum daily dose
OR 1000mg of vitamin C daily for at least 3 months to help resolve UTIs.
half adult dose for children
 Recommended foods high in salicylates:

 I found these tables of recommended foods from food-info
What is salicylic acid and in which foods does it occur?

Salicylic acid is a colourless, crystalline organic acid that melts at 159°C; it is soluble in alcohol but is only slightly soluble in water. Salicylic acid is an ingredient used in many over-the-counter acne medications.
Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of salicylic acid, with fruits having large amounts of salicylates, particularly berries. Some herbs and spices contain quite high amounts, and meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products all have little to no salicylates. Of the legumes, seeds, nuts, and cereals, only almonds, water chestnuts and peanuts have significant amounts. The table below gives more examples of foods containing salicylates:

NEGLIGIBLE: Green peas, Green beans, Celery, Cabbage, Lentils
LOW:             Asparagus fresh, Cauliflower, Choko, Mushroom fresh, Onion
MODERATE: Asparagus canned, Chinese vegetables, Lettuce, Marrow, Olives,
black, Pumpkin, Snow peas

HIGH:             Alfalfa, Broccoli, Cucumber Fava beans Spinach Sweet potato

VERY HIGH: Champignon Green pepper Olive   Mushrooms Tomato Radish

NEGLIGIBLE: Banana Pear, peeled
LOW:             Apple, golden & red delicious, Cherries,  sour Grapes  green,  Lemon
Mango, Passion fruit, Tree tomato
MODERATE: Grape fruit juice, Kiwi, Lychee, Loquat, Plum, Watermelon
HIGH:             Apple Granny Smith,   Avocado, fresh Cherries, Grapes red,
Mandarin fresh, Tangelo fresh
VERY HIGH: Apricots, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Dates, Guava,

LOW:             Pecans, Peanut butter, Sesame seeds, Hazelnuts, Sunflower seeds
MODERATE: Coconut, Brazil nuts
HIGH:             Pine nuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachio nuts
VERY HIGH: Almonds, Peanuts

NEGLIGIBLE: Garlic, Parsley, Chives
LOW:             Vinegar, Soy sauce, Saffron
HIGH:             Vegemite
VERY HIGH: Canella, Cummin, Curry powder, Dill, Garam masala, Oregano
Paprika hot, Rosemary, Thyme, Turmeric, Mustard
Hey! Do you or a friend suffer from UTIs?  Want more? Well I have a PRESENT for you! Check this out! You can instantly download this article for FREE HERE. And easily share it with a friend. I think you’ll love it. xo –Debbie
 I hope you enjoyed this article and now have a food medicine arsenal to attack and cure UTIs for good.
 Do you have any natural remedies to share with our readers to help combat UTIs?
If so we would love to hear from YOU.


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