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Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) - The Sunshine Vitamin


 Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) – The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D 
Vitamin D is the Sunshine Vitamin – and its main role in the body is to help build a very strong immune system. Including vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), 25-(OH) D3 (calcifediol), 1–25 (OH) 2 D3 (calcitriol), and dihydrotachysterol

Known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” vitamin D is important for a strong immune system response when required to help combat disease.
SUNFACTS: for maximum daily intake of vitamin D before you put your  sunscreen on to optimize your health benefits : ( for white people 15 minutes per day, brown people 30 minutes per day and black people 120 minutes per day).
Vitamin D is fat soluble and is ingested either by sunlight or food.
The action of the sun’s ultraviolet rays on the skin activates a form of cholesterol which converts to vitamin D.
Ingested vitamin D is then absorbed through the intestinal wall with the aid of bile and transported to the liver for storage, other deposits can be found in the skin, brain and bones.
The body can store large amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and the breakdown and assimilation of phosphorous required for bone formation.
Helps the synthesis of enzymes in mucous membrane transport available calcium
Regulates the transport of calcium with the parathyroid hormones
Necessary for normal growth in children
Assists in normal blood clotting, normal heart function and a stable nervous system
Assists with strong healthy teeth
Calcium absorption and mineral deposition into the skeleton
Cell growth and development, particularly white blood cells and epithelial cells
Activity and response of white blood cells against infection
Increased Risk of Deficiency

Myopia – nearsightedness
Inadequate sunlight exposure, northern latitudes, winter season
Vegetarian diets
Older age groups
Poorly developed muscles
Fat mal-absorption
Breast-fed infants
Chronic kidney disease
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency

In Children
Delayed growth and development (delayed ability to sit up, stand or walk)
Muscular numbness, tingling and spasm
Irritability and restlessness
Rickets: softening of bones, spinal deformities, bowed legs and knock knees, enlargement of the rib–sternum joints
Poorly formed teeth and enamel
Impaired immune response susceptible to infection
In Adolescents
Impaired growth of bones and muscles
Swelling and pain at the end of long bones, especially at the knee
Increased risk of infection and low immunity
In Adults
Loss of bone mineral from the skeleton
Increased risk of osteoporosis/ osteomalacia and fractures
Rickets – softened bones
Hearing loss and ringing in the ears
Muscle weakness, particularly around the hips
May increase risk of colorectal and breast cancer
May increase risk of high blood pressure
Increased risk of infection and low immune response
Good Dietary Sources

Salmon, Eggs, Tuna, liver, milk fortified with vitamin D, fish liver oil, sunflower seeds

The action of sufficient sunlight on the skin satisfies the bodies need for vitamin D.
SUNFACTS: for maximum daily intake of vitamin D before you put your  sunscreen on to optimize your health benefits : ( for white people 15 minutes per day, brown people 30 minutes per day and black people 120 minutes per day).
Some factors can inhibit the action on the skin: pollution, clouds, window glass or clothing, sunscreens
Recommended daily allowance (RDA)

Children               10mcg (400iu)
Adults                   10mcg
Pregnancy, Breast feeding, Infants, Children and Adolescents require as much as an adult dose of vitamin D.

Increased frequency of urination
Loss of appetite
Muscular weakness
Calcification of the soft tissue of the heart, blood vessels and lungs
Medicinal and therapeutic Uses

Blood and circulatory system:
High Cholesterol, Diabetes
Fracture, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis
Brain / Nervous system:
Epilepsy, Meningitis
Bitot spots, Cataracts, Eyestrain, Glaucoma
Cystic fibrosis
Celiac disease, constipation, worms
Leg cramps, Sciatica
Cirrhosis of the liver, Jaundice
Lungs / respiratory system:
Allergies, Bronchitis, Common cold
Canker sores
Tetany – a condition marked by intermittent muscular spasms, caused by malfunction of the parathyroid glands and a consequent deficiency of calcium.
Reproductive system:
Acne, bed sores, Burns, Carbuncles, Eczema, Psoriasis, Shingles                                                                                                 (herpes zoster)
Teeth and Gums:
Aging, Alcoholism, Backache, Cancer, Fatigue, Insomnia, Kwashiokor, Pregnancy, Rheumatic fever and Stress
Vitamin A and D and Colds

Studies have shown that 80% of chronic cold sufferers showed a significant reduction and severity of
bouts of the common cold when supplemented with Vitamins A and D.


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