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The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity

by The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysts (Author), Naomi Wolf (Editor).

Pre-order now on Amazon. Show the elites you know what they have done. 

It is time for enlightenment and exposure of the tentacles of power that wish to control you and the malice, corruption and lies orchestrated upon us by Covid 19.

The following words are from Amazons site book review, with additions from my own research (in brackets) including some details of the insides of the book from Naomi Wolf.

Watch the interview on the Highwire, Episode 393 Climate of Corruption. Link at the end of this article.


This book is universally required reading for everyone. And should be commonly available to every school, every college, every university, every employer, every employee, every library, every church, every policeman, every soldier, every doctor, every nurse, every teacher, every lawyer, every judge and every politician in the world.

It is time for enlightenment and exposure of the tentacles of power that wish to control you and the malice, corruption and lies orchestrated upon us by Covid 19.

(Covid 19, SarsCV2 is a manmade corona virus, just as the SarsCV1 virus of the early 2000s was.

Corona viruses are ordinarily known as the common cold.

 Was Covid 19 a gain of function virus from the Wuhan lab, was it a virus from nature, was it an organised event like Event 201 in October 2019, was it all an orchestrated lie to bring in the new world order.

Fear of a new and deadly disease, control of the mainstream media, corporate cooperation and collaboration, government cooperation and initiation, violating human rights, mandates, causing national debt and rampant inflation, food insecurity, job insecurity, job loss to those who would not comply, homelessness, suicide, health crisis, hospital overwhelm,  raising crime, war and the biggest transfers of wealth in human history. The narrative is now unravelling and the truth is finally having its say).

The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature.

(The FDA were ordered to release the Pfizer documents. The FDA argued they needed 75 years to release all the documents. ICAN representing the people, won its case and the FDA had to release all the papers in 8 months. Surprisingly, the FDA are still releasing papers right up to this day. They are already in breach of the court order).

The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective.

(Our governments knew in November 2020. Everything that followed was based on a lie. Mandates, lockdowns, masking, small business closures, isolating our elderly, closing our schools, vilifying the unvaccinated, while a massive transfer of wealth ensued. 9 new Billionaires in Pfizer alone while the public face rising inflation, national debt, rising crime, homelessness, suicide, declining health, declining life expectancy and a health care crisis).

The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”

 (A reported worldwide 13 -20% reduction in births in 2024 is evidence, they knew, by February 2021, the jab would not stay in the injection site and would travel throughout the body and do damage. Accumulating in the organs causing damage to irreplaceable organs, the heart, liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, lymph, cross the blood brain barrier, destroy the myelin sheath that protects nerves, accumulate in the ovaries depositing synthetic fats that block the ovaries and demobilize sperm counts by 30%. But wait there is more, read on). 
Despite the fact that Pfizer committed in its own clinical trial protocol to follow the placebo arm of its trial for twenty-four months, Pfizer vaccinated approximately 95 percent of placebo recipients by March 2021, thus eliminating the trial’s control group and making it impossible for comparative safety determinations to be made.

(Thereby committing fraud and cover up. As well as ensuring any enquiry of harms or deaths could not be positively attributed to the covid 19 vaccine, because the trials made it impossible to determine comparative safety of such harms. Pfizer knew within 3 months 1225 people in the trial had died. They advised people in the trial, not to have sex, not to get pregnant, despite their advice 270 women got pregnant, Pfizer lost 236 of those women’s reports, and of the 34 remaining reports, there was a higher than 80% rate of still born babies and miscarriages. By February 2021 minor’s hearts were being damaged. They knew from Israeli data and paediatric groups, rather than come forward, the government concocted a lie with the headline:

“Covid Vaccine Myocarditis: Rare, Mild and Usually a Guy Thing”. Everything they said about Safe and Effective they knew was not true. They also knew the volume of adverse reports and deaths were going to be huge).
Just as importantly, The Pfizer Papers makes it clear that the US Food and Drug Administration knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial as well as the harms caused by the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine product, thus highlighting the FDA’s abject failure to fulfil its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.”

(Medsafe New Zealand originally judged the vaccines unsafe, that judgement was overturned by the Medical Council of New Zealand under the direction of US based FSMB (The Federation of State Medical Boards) A non-profit, unelected board of directors. Who serve their member boards as they fulfil their mandate of protecting the public’s health, safety and welfare through proper medical regulation, licencing and disciplining of physicians, physician assistants and associates, (PAs), and other healthcare professionals.

Joan Simeon was the Chief Executive Officer of MCNZ and now works for (IAMRA) the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities. That promotes effective medical regulation worldwide.

Quite a promotion for her.

Dr Ashley Bloomfield and the head of Medsafe Chris James then announced on main stream media the experimental, warp speed vaccine was approved “Safe and Effective”.

Even though Pfizer knew at that time about stroke, kidney and liver damage. Over half of the adverse events were within 48 hours of injection. While the authorities told us, we are not fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after you’re second jab these adverse events were put down as injury or death from Covid 19.  All this information was in the custody of the FDA).

The Pfizer Papers offers an in-depth look at how Big Pharma, the US government, and healthcare entities stand protected behind the broad legal immunity provided by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) when creating, prescribing, and administering vaccines; and, under that shield of protection, do what is best for their bottom lines rather than for the health and well-being of Americans.

(New Zealand is part of the 5 eyes cooperative group, beginning with its founding by the United States and the United Kingdom in 1946, the alliance expanded twice, inducting Canada in 1948 and Australia and New Zealand in 1956, establishing the Five Eyes as it is today. The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance that shares classified information to protect their national interests. The Five Eyes worked in lockstep throughout the Covid Pandemic. With identical restrictions on social media, mainstream media, vilification of the unvaccinated, violent persecution and prosecution of protestors, police brutality, freezing of bank accounts, prosecution of doctors, nurses and anyone who spoke out against their official, “one source of truth” government narrative. Freedom could only be gained from getting vaccinated, a vaccine passport ID was issued and without the vaccine passport you could not work, access restaurants, cafes, libraries, shops, schools, Colleges, Universities, theatres and concerts. Freedom of speech was censored, Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation (Malinformation is defined as the truth, but inconvenient to the government narrative) become the new word salad used by which our increasingly authoritarian governments to control free speech. Parental rights were attacked, children as young as 12 were told they can make their own decisions on vaccines and sexual reassignment surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent). Laws were changed and over lockdowns, new government policies were passed without the people’s referendum.

We woke up one day and surveillance cameras with facial recognition were erected everywhere, traffic calming roadworks were initiated to slow and reduce cars on our roads, appeared, 15 minute cities are underway, along with CBDC (central bank digital currency). And the power they could yield is mind blowing. With your income and freedom determined by mandatory vaccines, mandated diets, restricted travel all in the name of climate change. And The Great Reset was under way, as pronounced by Karl Schwab leader of the World Economic Forum. “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. Compliance to the new world order would be handled by your digital wallet. Just as it is in China.

Council rates are set to increase by 60% in the next 3 years in Hamilton and other councils are following suit. Councils are fluoridating our water supplies at huge expense without our consent taking away our choice, because we already have fluoride in our toothpaste it seems to be another outrageous over spend by an out of control council pandering to government directives, while ignoring the public health they are supposed to protect.

The gospel from WEF says: “You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy” this is their evil plan for us all. The elites, the controliarch’s have plans for us all, that is if we let them. Or we, the 99% can just simply say NO.

What our governments and Pfizer and all the three letter authorities knew about the Covid 19 vaccines:

The most common side effect was muscle pain and myalgia.

The lipid nano particles go everywhere in the body, they degrade the myelin sheath, the protective coating of nerves, they knew about tremors, eye problems and skin problems.

They knew there was “Very little respiratory damage” from a respiratory disease.

And they knew the vaccine would totally damage a human’s ability to reproduce. It has been known for 10 years lipid nano particles damage reproduction in humans. By blocking women’s ovaries, also damaging the placenta – babies cannot make it to term – early delivery is more common – death of babies in the wound is more common – maternal deaths are up by 40%, because women are haemorrhaging. Placenta’s are falling apart – male babies born now have masculine hormones degraded – responsible for deep voice, facial hair, the ability to father a child and who may not grow up to be normal men who can be fertile. Pfizer knew they were destroying menstrual cycles in women – there has been a 13 – 20% drop in normal births – 10 year old girls are getting a period after the vaccine – 80 year old women are menstruating again after the vaccine – Mengele Pfizer knew all this. A complete ruining of reproductive health on an industrial scale.

Mothers breast feeding babies – causing vomiting, seizures and convulsions in babies who could not handle mother’s milk.

And Peter Marks, head of the vaccine response in the US, knew all these harms listed above but he told the public there are no signals of harm – no signals of injury – this vaccine is safe and effective.

We now know Peter Marks knew all along: But how could they know at that time, that Arron Siri Lawyer for ICAN would win his case against the FDA and expose all their crimes that they wanted hidden for 75 years, when all the perpetrators would be dead.

CDC director Rochelle Walensky in April 23, 2021 “Recommends Pregnant People receive Covid 19 vaccines” she already knew about the Pfizer documents. In violation of the Nuremburg code, fraud, manslaughter, mass murder and genocide were committed, 63% of adverse events are in women.And of the 63% - 60% are reproductive disorders. 3 days after The Daily Clout exposed the story Rochelle Walensky resigned.

It has been done before. Birth control and family planning – a eugenics organisation were giving out birth control under the guise of a tetanus shot. Bill Gates vaccine zhar has said: “If we do a really good job of vaccinating people we can reduce the population by 15%”.

Obsessed with over population Pfizer and governments pushed the vaccine when they knew the harm it would do to reproductive health. From the evidence provided in the Pfizer documents there is no other conclusion you can reach – governments knew this would reduce populations worldwide. It is not trivial to destroy women’s menstrual health, reproductive health and men’s ability to reproduce. And they kept going knowing what they had done. They keep pushing this kill shot still to this day.

The result, over the past 4 years of vaccine madness, is a 20 – 30% reduction in live births.

When Rob Roos of the Dutch European government asked Pfizer marketing executive Janine Small “does the vaccine STOP TRANSMISSION” her answer was “NO! We had no time, we had to work at the speed of science and understand what was taking place in the market. From that point we had to do everything at risk”.

There was money to be made. There was billions of dollars at stake.

Latest findings from Australian scientists, find malignant amounts of DNA contamination in vaccines. From 7 – 145 fold. With stage 3 and stage 4 turbo cancers exploding worldwide. Once again we call for the need to “suspend vaccines” Urgent action is required and so far falling on the deaf ears of government: 



War has been waged against us – the Pfizer vaccine was inadequate for a respiratory virus – and deadly to reproductive health. Financial interests, profits and power drive decisions – government leaders are captured, corporate leaders are captured in a web of organised crime. This is a war we are not used to, a subtle attack on our freedoms using fear, a formidable weapon. The war on food, meat, dairy, attacks on our farmers, land grabs, floods and new legislation redesigning our New Zealand coast line, council overreach, soaring rates, out of control spending, sophisticated unrestricted warfare, 3 Waters, selling our water rights to multinationals, overseas Blackrock investment, buying up our bare land to grow carbon crops and carbon credits for the rich, in return to offset the pollution they are committing elsewhere, buying up our houses to rent them back to us. Owning it all. “You will own nothing and you will be happy” because we said you would as long as you comply.

They couldn’t keep this hidden – we are awake now and they will be brought to justice. Being empowered with information is your source of true freedom – where you can change the world.

Pre-order “The Pfizer Papers” now on Amazon. Show the elites you know what they have done.


Let’s begin that journey to a new golden age of peace, harmony, unity, community and above all LOVE. It is as easy as just saying NO, I WILL NOT COMPLY!




For Naomi Wolfs interview on the Highwire with host Del Bigtree. Episode 393 Climate of Corruption. If you don't want to watch the entire video, then skip to around 53 minutes in. Del Bigtree gives an introduction highlighting the work done by their legal team, Aaron Siri lawyer for ICAN who brought us this phenomenal win in court to release the Pfizer papers to the public.

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